LeastTrust IT

Managed Privacy Services & Advisory

Chain of Title

Our MPS (Managed Privacy Services) leads your team to protect sensitive data. We will train your people and stand up the tools necessary to tag, track, protect, and monitor  sensitive data. The tools can protect Healthcare data (PHI – HIPAA), Payment cards (PCI), sensitive legal documents, confidential files, and/or proprietary data. 

Data Classification Tools

Our vendors each offer a comprehensive data tagging and classification platform that gos beyond just data sorting. Cavelo can track access,  security weaknesses, and provide holistic risk quantification. Metrics include your overall breach dollar liability and how well you are managing the cybersecurity risks to that liability. 

DLP Data Classification Tools

Managed Enterprise Browser

The front door to your company is the browser. Web traffic, data, software access all flow through the browser. By controlling the flow through the door, you can track the movement of your sensitive data

Enterprise Managed Browser


State of the art technology that tracks the flow of files. Watermarks help deter insider threats. Every file is unique so we can track access and data flows.


Most cybersecurity efforts use common tools like firewalls, MFA, and endpoint detection (EDR), but these do not give you detailed data granularity, tagging, and tracking necessary to understand creation, movement, copying, and tracking of sensitive data. 

A doctors office installs a data classification tool and is able to locate all PHI data and personable identity data. The files are tagged. The storage areas of those files are scanned for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.  Hardening and remediation can commence. Duplicates can be removed. This reduces breach risk. Access can be reduced to non-essential employees. Tracking and movement of that data can be alerted. The browser can be configured to scan for copy/pasting and exporting of this data.  Lastly stenography can show chain of title of the data to 3rd parties. 

Our team will scope the engagement and recurring services. The cadence of onboard, custom configuration, and reporting will vary based on several factors. Our hours spent with your team, the size of data, the current locations of data, the custom classifiers if necessary, remediation efforts, reporting, and client engagement level

Yes! The MPS offering can meet many of the controls necessary in security frameworks like NIST, CIS, SOC2, HIPAA, SEC, FTC, and more. Our deep documentation and screenshots provide evidence for compliance.  Auditors want to know: “Where is the data?” “Who has accessed it?” and “How well is the location protected?”

Client Data Protection

No MSP or IT provider has adopted these tools. Only Banks and Federal Agencies. We can get you ahead of the curve and keep your data safe